Are You Exercising?

Hi Everyone,

We are thinking of you all. We truly miss your laughter and camaraderie that is such an amazing quality of the North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre created by each and every one of you.

We trust you and your families are keeping well during this challenging time. Like most people, we are hibernating with outings being limited to picking up groceries and fresh air outings at quiet times in areas where 6-foot distancing is easy.

Experts say that this current reality will likely continue for at least an-other 2 months. There will undoubtedly be many babies born later this year and in early 2021. Perhaps this is nature’s way of replenishing the toll the coronavirus will be taking. We also suspect that there may be many divorces as well. This imposed lifestyle is reminiscent of the late 1940s, early 1950’s when life was low key, quiet and pretty much revolved around the immediate family. Returning to some of those values and practices could be one of the positives to come out of all of this.

It is important to remain connected, positive and supportive of each other and not let distance hinder our abilities to do so. It is also important that you take care of your physical strength and emotional well being. As you already know, exercise elevates Endorphins: chemicals released by the body to relieve stress and pain and Serotonin: one of the body’s neurotransmitters responsible for happiness…our natural body “feel good” activators.

To help you maintain your muscular strength, flexibility and balance, we have started a virtual exercise class twice/week. Please join us on zoom every Monday and Wednesday at 10:50 a.m. After an initial welcome, there will be 30 minutes of exercise. If you would like to check this out: email Gail at or call her at 778-888-4941 for details.

Be well and may all our families see their way through this difficult time safely and in good health.

~ Judy and Susan @teamsurefeet


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