NSSRC’s New Facebook Page

The North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre has a new Facebook page, and it’s finally up and running. Get the latest information updates, stay connected, read stories, and watch videos on events happening at the Centre.

Why a Facebook page? A web/social media presence has the power to elevate the NSSRC’s exposure in the community, especially in this day and digital age. After all, the NSSRC has seen growth for several years, therefore our reach and presence within the community needs to grow accordingly as well. Through this platform, survivors of stroke, their families, friends, and healthcare professionals can instantly find out about our amazing members and the services we provide. Showcasing our programs on social media, will significantly raise awareness and create opportunities to build mutually beneficial partnerships with other organizations and companies.

Let’s put the North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre on the Map! We invite you to like, share and comment on our Facebook page! www.facebook.com/northshorestrokerecoverycentre/

Stay tuned for the NSSRC’s Instagram Page. Coming soon!

~ Karen Mah


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