Our Partners
The North Shore Stroke Recovery Centre is very fortunate to have wonderful partners in the community:
- Amica Lions Gate
- Amica Edgemont Village
- B.C.I.T. School of Nursing
- LGH Neurological Rehabilitation Outpatient Program
- Capilano University Rehabilitation Assistant Program
- Communication Assistance For Youth and Adults (CAYA)
- March of Dimes Canada (Friday Walking Program at Capilano Mall)
As a federally registered charity, we rely upon grants, fundraising, fees and the financial support of individuals, corporations and community groups. Donations are tax deductible. Charity Registration Number: 896288164RR0001
If you or your organization would like to partner with the Centre on an initiative or learn more about what we do, please contact our principal coordinator at 778-340-5803, or email us at info@nssrc.org.